Sunday, April 24, 2011

Botany Main Exam Paper Two

 Civil Service Exam Botany Main Exam Paper Two Syllabus
1. Cell Biology: Techniques of cell biology; Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells-structural and ultra structural details; Structure and function of extracellular matrix (cell wall), membranes-cell adhesion, membrane transport and vesicular transport; Structure and function of cell organelles (cheloroplasts,mitochondria ,ER,dictyosomes, ribosome’s, endosomes,lysosomes, peroxisomes); Cytoskelaton and microtubules; Nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear pore complex; Chromatin and nucleosome;Cell signaling and cell receptors;Singnal transduction; Mitosis and meiosis; Molecular basis of cell cycle; Numerical and structural variations in chromosomes; b-chromosomes-structure, behavior and significance.
2. Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution: Development of genetics; Gene versus allele concepts (Pseudoalleles); Quantitative genetics and multiple factors;Imcomplete dominance,polygeneic inheritance, multiple alleles; Linkage and crossing over; Methods of gene mapping, including molecular maps (idea of mapping function); Sex chromosomes and sex-linked inheritance, sex determination and molecular basis of sex differentiation; Mutations (biochemical and molecular basis); Cytoplasmic inheritance and cytoplasmic genes (including genetics of male sterility)
 Structure and synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins; Genetic code and regulation of gene expression; Gene silencing; Multigame families; Organic evolution-evidences, mechanism and theories Role of RNA in origin and evolution.
3. Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Biostatostics:Methods of plant breeding-introduction , selection and hybridization (pedigree, backcross, mass selection, bulk method); Mutation ,polyploidy , male sterility and heterosis breeding; Use of apomixes in plant breeding;DNA sequencing; Genetic engineering-methods of transfer of genes; Transgenic crops and biosafety aspects; Development and use of molecular markers in plant breeding; Tools and techniques-probe, southern blotting DNA fingerprinting ,PCR and FISH
Standard deviation and coefficient of variation (CV);Tests of significance (Z-test, t-test and chi-square test); Probability and distributions (normal, binomial and poisson); Correlation and regression
4 Physiology and Biochemistry: Water relations, mineral nutrition and ion transport, mineral deficiencies; photosynthesis-photochemical reactions; photophosphrylation and carbon fixation pathways;C3, C4 and GAM pathways: Mechanism of phloem transport; Respiration (anerobic and aerobic, including fermentation)- electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylaion ,photorespiration;Chemiosmotic theory and ATP synthesis; Lipid metabolism; Nitrogen fixation and nitrogen metabolism,Enzymes,coenzymes;Energy transfer and energy conservation; Important of secondary metabolites; Pigments as photoreceptors (plastidial pigment and phytochrome); Plant movements;Photoperiodism and flowering, verbalization, senescence; growth substances-their chemical nature, role and applications in afri-horticulture;Growth indices, growth movement Stress physiology (heat , water , salinity , metal); Fruit and seed physiology;Dormacy , storage germination of seed; Fruit ripening-its molecular basis and manipulation
5 Ecology and Plant Geography: Concept of ecosystem; Ecological factors; Concepts and dynamics community ;plant succession; concept of biosphere; Ecosystems;Conservation;Pollution and control (including phytoremediation); plant indicators; Environment (Protection)Act
 Forest types of India-Ecological and economic importance of forests, afforestation , deforestation and social forestry; Endangered plants , endemism,IUCN categories, Red Data Books; Biodiversity and its conservation; Protected Area Network; Convention on Biological Diversity;Farmers’s Rights and Intellectual Property Rights; Concept of Sustainable Development;Bio-geochemical cycles Global warming and climatic change; Invasive species; Environmental Impact Assessment Phytogeographical regions of India

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