Civil Service Exam Preliminary Commerce Syllabus
Part-1:Accounting and Auditing
Nature, Scope and Objectives of Accounting-Accounting as an Information System-Users of Accounting Information
Generally Accepted Principles of Accounting-The Accounting equation-Accrual Concept –Other concepts and conventions. Distinction between capital and revenue expenditure. Accounting Standard and their application-Accounting standards relating to fixed assets, depreciation, Inventory, recognition of revenue
Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors, Partnership Firms and Limited Companies-Statutory provision Reserves, Provisions and Funds.
Final Accounts of non-profit organizations
Accounting problems related to admission ad retirement of partner ad dissolution of a firm
Accounting for Shares and Debentures-Accounting Treatment of Convertible Debentures.
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements Ratio analysis and interpretation .Ratios relation to short term liquidity, long term solvency and profitability-Importance of the rate of return on investment (ROI) in evaluating the overall performance of a business entity-Cash-flow Statement ad Statement of Source and Application of Funds-Societal obligations of Accounting
a) Nature, objectives and basic principles of auditing
b) Techniques of Auditing-physical verification, examination of documents and vouching , direct confirmation , analytical review.
c) Planning an audit, audit programmers, workings papers, Audit process
d) Evaluation of internal controls
e) Test checking and sampling
f) Broad outlines of company audit
g) Audit of non-corporate enterprises
h) Internal ad management audit
Part-II:Business Organization
Distinctive feature of different forms of business organization
Sole proprietor:Partnerships-characteristics,Registration,Partnership deed, Rights and duties Retirement ,Dissolution
Joint Stock Company-Concept, characteristics, types.
Cooperative and State ownership forms of organizations.
Types of securities and methods of their issue
Economic functions of the capital market, stock exchanges, Mutual Funds, Control and regulation of capital market.
Business combinations: control of Monopolies. Problems of modernization of industrial enterprises Social Responsibility of business.
Foreign Trade- Procedure and financing of import and export trade. Incentives for export promotion financing of foreign trade
Insurance-Principles and practice of Life, Fire, Marine and General Insurance.
Management :Management functions-Planning-strategies, Organising-leavels of authority Staffing, Line function and staff function,Leadership,Communication,Motivation,Directing-Principles Strategies
Coordination-Concept, types, methods
Control-Principles, performance standards, corrective action. Salary and wage administration-job evaluation
Organization Structure-Centralization ad decentralization-Delegation of authority-span of control-Management by Objectives and Management by Exception
Management of change; Crisis Management
Office Management-scope and principle ; system and routines; handling of records-modern aids to Office management; office equipment and machines; Automation and Personal computers
Impact of Organization and Methods (O & M)
Company Law: Joint stock companies-incorporation; documents ad formalities-Doctrine of indoor management ad constructive notice
Duties and powers of the board of directors of a company
Accounts and Audit of Companies
company Secretary-role and functions-qualifications for appointment
Part-1:Accounting and Auditing
Nature, Scope and Objectives of Accounting-Accounting as an Information System-Users of Accounting Information
Generally Accepted Principles of Accounting-The Accounting equation-Accrual Concept –Other concepts and conventions. Distinction between capital and revenue expenditure. Accounting Standard and their application-Accounting standards relating to fixed assets, depreciation, Inventory, recognition of revenue
Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors, Partnership Firms and Limited Companies-Statutory provision Reserves, Provisions and Funds.
Final Accounts of non-profit organizations
Accounting problems related to admission ad retirement of partner ad dissolution of a firm
Accounting for Shares and Debentures-Accounting Treatment of Convertible Debentures.
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements Ratio analysis and interpretation .Ratios relation to short term liquidity, long term solvency and profitability-Importance of the rate of return on investment (ROI) in evaluating the overall performance of a business entity-Cash-flow Statement ad Statement of Source and Application of Funds-Societal obligations of Accounting
a) Nature, objectives and basic principles of auditing
b) Techniques of Auditing-physical verification, examination of documents and vouching , direct confirmation , analytical review.
c) Planning an audit, audit programmers, workings papers, Audit process
d) Evaluation of internal controls
e) Test checking and sampling
f) Broad outlines of company audit
g) Audit of non-corporate enterprises
h) Internal ad management audit
Part-II:Business Organization
Distinctive feature of different forms of business organization
Sole proprietor:Partnerships-characteristics,Registration,Partnership deed, Rights and duties Retirement ,Dissolution
Joint Stock Company-Concept, characteristics, types.
Cooperative and State ownership forms of organizations.
Types of securities and methods of their issue
Economic functions of the capital market, stock exchanges, Mutual Funds, Control and regulation of capital market.
Business combinations: control of Monopolies. Problems of modernization of industrial enterprises Social Responsibility of business.
Foreign Trade- Procedure and financing of import and export trade. Incentives for export promotion financing of foreign trade
Insurance-Principles and practice of Life, Fire, Marine and General Insurance.
Management :Management functions-Planning-strategies, Organising-leavels of authority Staffing, Line function and staff function,Leadership,Communication,Motivation,Directing-Principles Strategies
Coordination-Concept, types, methods
Control-Principles, performance standards, corrective action. Salary and wage administration-job evaluation
Organization Structure-Centralization ad decentralization-Delegation of authority-span of control-Management by Objectives and Management by Exception
Management of change; Crisis Management
Office Management-scope and principle ; system and routines; handling of records-modern aids to Office management; office equipment and machines; Automation and Personal computers
Impact of Organization and Methods (O & M)
Company Law: Joint stock companies-incorporation; documents ad formalities-Doctrine of indoor management ad constructive notice
Duties and powers of the board of directors of a company
Accounts and Audit of Companies
company Secretary-role and functions-qualifications for appointment
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