Saturday, April 23, 2011

Zoology Preliminary

Civil Service Zoology Preliminary  Examination Syllabus
 (a) Prokaryote and eukaryote
(b) Structure of animal cell, structure and functions of cell organelles
 (c) Cell cycle-mitosis, meiosis
(d) Structure and contents of nucleus including nuclear membrane, structure of chromosome and gene, chemistry of genetic components
 (e) Mendel’s laws of inheritance, linkage and genetic recombination;cytoplasmic inheritance.
 (f) Function of gene: replication, transcription ad translation; mutations (spontaneous and artificial); Recombinant DNA: Principle and application.
(g) Sex determination in Drosophila and man; sex linkage in man.
(a)Classification of non-chordates (up to sub-classes) and chordates (up to orders )giving general features and evolutionary relationship of the following phyla:
 Protozoa ,Porifera, Coelenterata,Platyhelminthes,Nematheliminthes, Annelida,Arthropoda,Mollusca, Echimodermata,Minior phyla (Bryozoa,Phoronida and Chaetognatha ) and Hemichordate.
(b) Structure reproduction and life history of the following types:
 Amoeba,Monocystis,Plasmodium,Paramaecium,Sycon,Hydra,Obelia,Fasciola,Taenia,Ascaris Neanthes ,Pheretima,Hirudinia ,Palaemon,Buthus,Periplaneta,Lamellidens,Pila,Asterias and Balanoglossus
(c) Classification of chordates (up to orders ), giving general features and evolutionary relationship  of the following:
 Protochordata; Agnatha;Gnathostomata-Pisces,Amphibia, Reptilia,Aves and Mammalia
(d) Comparative functional anatomy of the following based on type animals (Scoliodon,Rana,Calotes, Columba and Orytolagus): integrument and its derivatives, endoskeleton, digestive system respiratory system , circulatory system including heart and aortic arches, urinogenital system; brain and sense organs (eye and ear); endocrine glands and other hormone producing structures,(Pituitary thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads) their function.
a) Chemical composition of protoplasm; nature and function of enzymes; vitamins, their source and role’ colloids and hydrogen ion concentration: biological oxidation. Electron transport and role of ATP energetic, glycolysis citric acid cycle; vertebrate hormones: their type, sources and functions; pheromones and their role.
b) Neuron and nerve impulse –conduction and transmission across synapses; neurotransmitters and their role, including acetyl cholinesterase activity
c) Homeostasis;osmoregulation; active transport and ion pump
d) Composition of carbohydrates , fats, lipids and proteins; steroids
A) Gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage; gastrulation in frog and chick
b) Metamorphosis in frog and retrogressive metamorphosis in ascidian; extra-embryonic membranes in chick and mammal; placentation in mammals; Biogenetic law
a) Origin of life; Principles, theories and evidences of evolution; species concept
b) Zoogeographical realms, insular fauna; geological eras
 c) Evolution of man; evolutionary status of man
a) Abiotic and biotic factors; concept of ecosystem, food chain and energy flow; adaption of aquatic terrestrial and aerial fauna;intra-and interspecific animal relationship ; environmental pollution Types, sources , causes , control and prevention
b) Wildlife of India; endangered species of India; sanctuaries and national parks of India
c) Biological rhythms.
a) Beneficial and harmful insects including insect vectors of human diseases
b) Industrial fish, prawn and mollusks of India
 c) Non-poisonous and poisonous snakes of India
 d) Venomous animals-centipede , wasp, honey bee.
e) Diseases caused by aberrant chromosomes/genes in man; genetic counseling;DNA as a tool for forensic investigation
 The main examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual traits and depth of understanding of candidates rather the merely the range of their information and memory.
 The scope of syllabus for the optional subject papers for the examination is broadly of the honours degree level i.e. a level higher than the bachelors degree and lower than the masters degree the case of Engineering and law, the level corresponds to the bachelor’s degree

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