Saturday, April 23, 2011

Economics Preliminary

Civil Service Exam Economics Preliminary Syllabus
Part-1 General economics
1) Micro-economics(a) Production: Agent of Production; Costs and Supply; lsoquants (b) Consumption and Demand; Elasticity concept (c) Market Structure and concepts of equilibrium; (d) Determination of prices;(e) Components ad Theories of Distribution,(f) elementary concepts of Welfare economics: Pareto-optimality-Private and social products-consumers surplus
 2) Macro-economics(a) National; Income concepts;(b) Determinants of National Income Employment
(c) Market Structure and concept of equilibrium;(d) Determination of prices;(e) Components and Theories of Distribution,(f) Elementary concepts of Welfare economics pareto-optimality –private and social products-consumers surplus
 2) Macro-economics(a) National Income concepts;(b) Determinants of National Income Employment (c) Determinants of consumption, savings and Investment,(d) Rate of Interest and its determination (e) Interest and profit
(3)Money, Banking and Public Finance(a) Concepts of Money and measures of money l velocity of money (b) Banks ad credit creation; banks and portfolio management,(c) Ventral Bank and control over money supply (d) Determination of the price level,(e) Inflation, its causes and remedies (f) Public Finance and profit
Money ,Banking and Public Finance(a) Concepts of Money and measure of money supply; Velocity of money (b) Banks and credit creation; Bank ad portfolio management,(c) Central Bank and control over money supply (d) Determination of the price level,(e) Inflation, its causes and remedies (f) Public Finance-Budgets-Taxes and non-tax revenues-Types of Budget deficits.
International Economics:
 (1) Theories of International Trade-comparative costs-Huckster-Ohlin-Gains from Terms of Trade
(2) Free Trade and Protection
3)Balance of payments accounts and Adjustment
4) Exchange rate under free exchange markets
 Evolution of the International Monetary system and World Trading order=Gold Standard-the Brettonwoods system
 IMF and the Word Bank and their associates
 Floating rates-GAT and WTO
Growth and Development:(1) Meaning and measurement of growth, distribution and Welfare;(2) Characteristics of under development;(3) Stages of Development (4) Source of growth capital, Human capital,population,productivity,Trade and aid, on-economic factors growth strategies ,
5) Planning in a mixed economy-Indicative planning and growths
6) Economic Statistics: Types of averages-measures  of dispersion-correlation-Indies number ;type uses and limitations.
Part-II: Indian Economics
 1. Main features; geographic size-Endowment of natural resources.population: size, composition quality and growth trend-Occupational distribution-Effect of British Rule with reference Drain theory and Laissez Faire policy
 2. Major problems, their dimensions, nature and broad causes; Mass poverty-Unemployment and types-Economic effect of population pressure-Inequality and types thereof-Low productive and low per capita income, Rural-urban disparities-Foreign Trade and payments imbalances. Balance of payments and External Debt-Inflation, and parallel economy and its effects-Fiscal deficit.
3. Growth in income and employment since Independence-Rate, Pattern, Sectoral trends-Distribution changes-Regional disparities.
 4. Economics planning in India: Major controversies on planning in India: Alternative strategies goals and achievements, shortfalls of different plans-planning and the Market
 5. Broad Fiscal, monetary, industrial, trade and agricultural policies-objectives, rationale, constraints and effects.

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